Tuesday 4 October 2011

Start with an Interview (cuz it's the easiest way to present yourself)

The first post on every blog is always the one in which you must make the world acknowledge your existence. And when this critical moment comes, everyone has that weird blank sensation of not knowing what to say (or at least I do). So, to help us pass this endeavor Eddie, Critical Games Studies tutor devised an easy way to do that.
He asked us to each pick someone in the class and ask them a few simple questions about themselves, printed on a white sheet of paper, then swiping the answer between us, so you'd end up with your own answers back. Perfectly normal...
Wait what???
Why would I want to end up with a piece of paper that has my own answers about myself, when I already know all this? Because this will help me save time not having that annoying brain-lag moment, when you feel like you know nothing about yourself. This way it's easier to write your first blog post... (or is it???)

So, my answers to this little Q&A by and for myself are :

Q: What fictional book are you currently reading or last read?
A: I am currently reading "Midnight Tides" , the 5th book in The Malazan Book of the Fallen series. Weirdly enough, I'm half way through this book and I'm still confused as were in time (in relation to the other 4 books) the action takes place. Anybody?  

Q: What non-fictional book are you currently reading or last read?
A: I wasn't into reading non-fictional books by my own will (all though that will change this year ^_^) but I do remember a 12th grade Romanian History school book I read before my exams

Q: What is the last live performance you attended?
A: I stumbled upon an English Folk and Japanese Shamisen live performance while I was in Colchester 1 month ago, does that count?

Q: What was the title of the last film you saw at the cinema, online or DVD?
A: Kung Fu Panda, and I'm sure of it, because there are no such things as accidents  

Q: How often do you read a newspaper?
A: I usually get my news via internet, but I could say as often as I get my hands on a free one. (it's comforting to feel the rustle of a newspaper while traveling by train)

Q: Which gallery/museum/exhibition did you last visit?
A: I was told that the Eurogamer Expo 2011 counts, so...
Eurogamer Expo 2011, Earl's Court, London. Oh.. and the exhibition that's inside the Town Hall in Ipswich.

Q: How many hours a week do you spend playing video games?
A: Used to play more than 30 a week, but now that I lack proper gaming device, I'd say about 15 or less *sigh*

Q: How many hours a week do you spend playing games other than video game?
A: Adding the games that we will be making and playing at school, I'd say about 10ish...

So that's my series of Q&A's for and  by me....It feels weird to answer my own questions on a blog, but I suppose it's for the best.
I have to confess that this blog is one weekish late in it's appearance on the internetz, and so I have lot's of catching up to do to be up to date with the posts. I'll try to do that as soon as possible.

oh, and as a personal touch, I'll try and end every post on this blog with a quote from a book, a show, a person I like.

"Do me a favor? Don't scream. Just hear what I've gotta say... and then scream" 
(Tales from The Crypt )


  1. Hi Maria,

    This pics add a nice visual elemment to the post :-)

  2. I think you should be happy you lack a 'proper gaming device' 15 hours seems plenty to me:)

    I have not seen the exhibition inside Ipswich Town Hall, i need to get out more.

  3. Actually Rob, that was in the first week. Now I have to say about 4-5h a week. :D
    And you should also go and see the one at Ipswich Art School.

  4. I liked the Lee Barnard ("El Chucko") stuff on display in one of the upstairs rooms. The style of some of it reminded me of The Hernandez Brothers.
