Thursday 1 December 2011

Real Game Creation Homework

So as a follow up to that crazy (in a very very good way) lesson we had last Friday afternoon with Rob, each of us has to come up with his or her own game, to be played physicality and with real people. 

(probably not the only one who used this, but hey
it's proof of the fun we had :D)  

So here's my game : 1.2.3... STOP 

 1.2.3... STOP is a racing game, with a little bit of patience and standing still skill.  

It can be played by as many as you can gather up, but you at least need 3 players.  

The rules are : 
  •  One player is chosen to face a wall, with his or her back to the other players
  • The other take a let's say 100m distance from the player, but the bigger the distance the more fun there is. 
  • The one facing the wall has to count : 1.2.3 ... then shout STOP! then turns around (the speed of the count is up to each player, but it should increase with time to pose a greater challenge.) 
  • The other players have to race to the wall when he starts counting and stop as they were. The ones that are spotted by the one player while still moving are eliminated. 
The game ends when 1 player reaches the wall, or all players are eliminated.
The winner is the first player to reach the wall, and the next to start the count. 

So... this is my game proposal for tomorrow and hopefully, if the weather holds, we could give it a try or two

"I'm walking on sunshine... uh-oh!"

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