Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Billy Vs The Boogoos - my contributions - Art

My group project game thingy is called "Billy Vs The Boogoos" and it's about a red-neck who drunkly falls of a tractor and stumbles upon some aliens trying to conquer the world. He is put in the situation that he has to battle his way through a bunch of aliens to get home and save his friends.
The main mechanic of the game is shooting, with the new additions an interrogation mini-game and new types of levels.

My main contribution to this game is the main and side characters art and the cut-scenes.

The main character is Billy. The main design challenges in creating Billy were to create a character that was a representation of a red-neck, but without seeming vulgar or inflicting prejudice. So I came up with a young boy design, which players could identify with because of his age. His clothes and affinity for alcohol are the elements which my team and I came up with were the part of definitory traits, and also added a comical tone to the character.

The side characters are, at the moment, the aliens. They are represented by small green men with large heads in grey lab coats. They posses plasma guns, but don't use them against Billy, because they want to harvest him and eventually probe him. As the game advances, new enemies are added in the form of locals who are under the control of the aliens. They are controlled by glass fish-tanks with mind control rods in them. The reason why I chose to portray the aliens as small green men with large heads and grey lab coats is because, in popular culture, due to numerous films aliens are portrayed  in our minds as little green men with large heads, grey lab coats and a unstoppable urge to : destroy all humans/enslave all humans/destroy the earth etc.

Between the levels as a pacing and padding device, and to introduce the player to Billy's story. They also serve to enhance the denouement between winning a level and starting another one. They are created and used in the game in the form of sequential art, inspired from comic books storytelling devices.  The general style is cartoon-y, the colours are strong and the shading is used to better give a feel of comic book art.

These are the first and second cut-scenes. Others will be added when the game progresses.

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